

Part 1: Translating Artworks

The facets of an artwork
Determining the key facets of the work
Stories and Narratives
Musical Scores
Object vs. Experience
Ambiguity and Instability
Sense-bound works

Part 2: Translating Sound to Image

Translating Sound To Image
What is Music?
Images of Sound
Visual Music
The Music Animation Machine


Introduction to Hearing
Harmonic Theory
The Functioning of the Ear
Principle of Sound Grouping
Grouping Harmonics
The Features of Individual Sounds
The Features of Sound Groups
The Pivotal Role of Temporality In Sound and Music


Introduction to Vision
The Eye
Sensing Colour
The Visual Cortex
Principles for Visual Grouping
The Features of Vision
Temporality vs. Spatiality in Vision

Challenges in Translation

The Portability of Musical Experience
Temporality vs. Spatiality
Comparing Temporality in Sight and Sound
Other Options for Representing Temporality in Image
Summary of Challenges
Musical Intervals
Visualizing Intervals
Lissajous Curves
Tonal Trajectories?
Correcting for the Perceived Key
Colour and the notes of the octave
Expressing Timbre
Motion and Musical Gesture
Tension and Resolution
Multistability and Ambiguity
The Challenge of the Human Voice
The Use of Space
Plasticity of the Brain
A Hybrid Approach to Translation


A Conclusion of Sorts